
Monday, March 10, 2014

RAINBOW Fun for St. Patrick's Day

Here on the east coast, the winter has definitely been long. Students in our area missed nearly 3 weeks of school due to snow, ice, wind—you name it. That’s why I am especially looking forward to St. Patrick’s Day this year. The holiday doesn’t always attract much attention. However, with the sea of green from a St. Patty's Parade and the rainbows that signal the end of a storm, St. Patrick’s Day seems to be the perfect holiday to usher in a spring-thinking state of mind.

The post for today deals with the wonders of a rainbow and a quick list of activities that you can use to reinforce math skills as well as color identification.
So, print the printables and have some rainbow fun.

This printable is great for teaching color concepts, ordering of sizes, and non-standard measurement (How many red strips long is the table?)

Suggestion: Print the color sticks on card stock. If you decide to use these to teach fact families, cut off the white end of each stick.
This printable is great for teaching addition basic facts, comparisons, and matching.
Suggestion: Print the color sticks on card stock. If you decide to use these to teach fact families, cut off the white end of each stick to more easily align each stick.

Create your own rainbow with pipe cleaners or wax-coated yarn to demonstrate differences in diameter.


If you are looking for a fun story that teaches colors, positional words, and the concept of teamwork to the kiddos, check out the link below to my latest story for children ages 3 through 6.
Link to Book and eBook on

Most importantly, have some RAINBOW FUN.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

This post was shared on the following blog. Please check them out:

The Kennedy Adventures dot Com



  1. Perfect for St. Patricks Day, or these might brighten a gloomy one!
    Thank you for stopping by the Thoughtful Spot Weekly Blog Hop this week. We hope to see you drop by our neck of the woods next week!

    1. Thanks, Jill! Your blog hop is the source for many great ideas!
