
Thursday, October 31, 2013


If you have ever heard the saying of someone taking another person under their wing, you probably realize that the word ‘wing’ refers to a bird’s wing. However, every day, every hour, and every moment an angel on earth is taking someone under their angel’s wing—making their life shine a bit brighter. The act may be as simple as helping a person, arms full of grocery bags, open the car door. It may be a bigger act, such as assisting an elderly neighbor by raking their leaves in the fall.

Young or old, we can all make a difference in another person’s life and become an angel on earth.
Roger Mulder was truly an angel on earth. For years he purchased toys and gifts, loaded them into the back of his pickup truck, and delivered the toys to the Angel Tree drop off location at WoodTV 8 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The children that received one of his toys never had the opportunity to meet him. But, I am certain that Mr. Mulder felt the warmth of the smiles and laughter generated by his thoughtful and selfless act of kindness.
An act of kindness is the truest form of a win-win situation—both the giver and the recipient benefit from the generosity.
Sadly, Mr. Mulder passed away in 2009. In an effort to continue his generosity, I am conducting my own Angel Tree donation project with this post that will hopefully reach every corner of the United States.
Today’s post marks the beginning of a very special season of giving and showing thanks for those in our lives that have taken us under their wing. Please read the details of this very special giveaway as the guidelines will be strictly followed.

THE DETAILS: The giveaway for the toys and books will work as follows:

A. Parents will submit an entry into the giveaway the by posting a comment on this blog post AND an  providing an email contact (emailed privately to the moderator of this blog).*
B. At the conclusion of this giveaway, 5 names will be randomly selected from the entry list. Those 5 entrants will assist their children in choosing an appropriate toy from Amazon that is within the $10-$15 price range.
C. The 5 winners will receive the toy they have selected, as a gift from the blog moderator. In addition to their toy, a duplicate toy will be sent to the Angel Tree collection site in Grand Rapds, Michigan in memory of Roger Mulder AND a duplicate toy will be delivered to the Angel Tree collection site in Richmond, Virginia. They will also receive a copy of Welcome Comfort by Patricia Polacco. Quinton Hamp, a main character in the story, was based on an employee of the Union City, Michigan school system—a real angel on earth who was ONE that made a difference.
D. The winners of the giveaway must create a handprint Angel as shown below. A photocopy or scan of the Angel with the child’s first initial of their first name and the state they live in must be added to the line at the bottom of the angel’s robe. These scans or photocopies will also be given to the Angel Tree coordinator in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in memory of Roger Mulder.

A pdf of the activity components will be furnished to the winners via email.
E. A collage of the handprint angels will also be posted onto this blog, as a virtual tribute to Mr. Mulder’s generosity.

*Due to the time sensitivity of this giveaway, the winners of the toy and book giveaway must contact the blog moderator within 3 days of the giveaway’s end. If a response is not received within three days (72 hours) of the givaway’s end, an alternate winner will be selected.
**This post will be reposted two more times in November.


This activity is a great way to highlight the ways your children help others out. As they create the handprint angel, discuss the ways they have helped out in your home, your neighborhood, and your community. By the time your little ones complete their handprint angel, don’t be surprised if they continue to spread their angel wings by helping out others in new and different ways.

Blue construction paper
White paint
Pipe Cleaners
Glue and tape
Printouts of angel parts
Crayons or markers
1. Prior to creating the handprint angel, discuss how your child helps out others. For example: A big sister may help a younger sibling carry a toy that is a bit too heavy for him or her. A little one may help Mom pick up things that have rolled under a table. A classmate may invite the new child in the class to join them at the lunch table. This discussion will definitely carry over into the creating portion of the activity.
2. Print out choice of angel sheet—with either a pink or green body. 

3. Using washable paint, make white handprints making sure the palms face each other and the hands are closer to the top of the paper. Allow to dry.

4. Cut out the angel body, head, and star. Write your name (first initial and state you live in if you are completing this for the Angel Tree ONE project) on the line at the bottom of the angel body.

5. With tape or glue, attach the center of the pipe cleaner to the back of the star.

6. With tape or glue, attach the ends of the pipe cleaner to the back of the angel body, shaping to form arms.
7. Attach the body and head to the dried handprints.

8. Add eyes, a nose, and a mouth.


The image is timeless. In fact, at some point in our lives, we have all been a character in this portrait of recess time at school.
Imagine a group of smiling children gathered in the schoolyard with the sound of laughter filling the air. Initially, the sight of such a happy scene brings fond memories of games of hopscotch, basketball, and high water-low water.
However, upon a closer look, the source of the laughter becomes more evident. The warm fuzzies created by the sight of the beaming faces are washed away. They are replaced by a sadness brought on by the tears streaming down the face of the forlorn child trapped in the center of the cluster of children. That child is the victim of bullying.
In Welcome Comfort by Patricia Polacco, this heartbreaking scene is played out in a school in Union City, Michigan. However, the setting could by any where or any time.
Welcome Comfort (yes, his name really is Welcome Comfort) is the new kid in school. And, as often happens in situations like this, little time passes before Welcome is teased about his name, teased about his weight, and teased about his family.

This story could have easily taken any turn by the end of the book. Welcome could have turned bitter at being teased. He could have lashed out at others, turning from the bullied to the bullier. He could have withdrawn from society and never allowed his own light to shine. However, Polacco chose a brighter path for Welcome.
When Mr. Hamp, the humble school custodian, witnesses the bullying, he takes Welcome under his wing. Together with his librarian wife, Mr. Hamp shows Welcome that there are caring people in this world. Mr. Hamp becomes a mentor and a friend, forming a lifelong bond.

He takes him fishing.
He teaches him how to whittle.
He invites Welcome into his heart and into his home.

With Mr. Hamp’s help, Welcome finds happiness and success. He pays this act forward by the story’s end, allowing his own bright light to shine upon others.
Through heartwarming illustrations and lyrical prose, Polacco succeeds in teaching an important lesson to both children and adults—it only takes one person to make a difference.

Intended as a read-aloud, this story of love and hope is perfect to experience while snuggling under a fluffy blanket and sipping a cup of hot cocoa. By the story’s end, everyone that reads Welcome Comfort will most assuredly be inspired to become a ONE.

*This giveaway will include a toy selected from Amazon with a total value not to exceed $15 and a copy of Welcome Comfort by Patricia Polacco. The registration will last from the posting of this blog post until midnight, November 18, 2013. EST. Five winners will be randomly selected from the entries.The books and toy will be shipped from Amazon within approximately 2 weeks following the close of the giveaway. Of the 5 selected winners, 1 will receive, in addition to the toy and book, a $10 Amazon gift card. The winners MUST contact the blog moderator to confirm receipt of their notice of winning within 3 days of the end of the giveaway. Alternate winners will be selected in the event of no confirmation contact within that three day guideline. By accepting a winning entry, the winner agrees to create a handprint angel and send a scan or photocopy of that angel to the blog administrator to be given to the Angel Tree donation site in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
The giveaway is open to residents of the United States with a United State’s mailing address.
To be considered for entry into this giveaway, the entrant’s email address must be submitted to the blog administrator.

THANK YOU FOR READING THIS POST. And, THANK YOU, MR. MULDER, for showing us ALL how to become a ONE. 
I hope you join me and help make another child’s light shine brighter by becoming a ONE!

This post was shared on the following blogs. Please check them out:

The Homeschool Village dot Com

Raising Mighty Arrows dot Net

Monday, October 28, 2013



Are you a ONE?

Beginning in early November, a very special project for toddlers to tweens will be announced on this blog. This blog post coincides perfectly with the season that is almost upon us. So, please return to Rainbows to Snowflakes and learn how anyone can be a ONE!
In the meantime, as a teaser for this upcoming project, I am posting a review of an excellent children’s read-aloud that demonstrates the power of ONE.
One of my favorite children’s book authors, Patricia Polacco definitely understands connections between people, places, and things. Her experiences in life have shaped her and thus shaped her many MANY stories that she both writes and illustrates. Through her wonderful books, children are reminded to laugh, to learn, to explore, and to never forget that all of us, in one way or another, are connected.

WELCOME COMFORT by Patricia Polacco

The image is timeless. In fact, at some point in our lives, we have all been a character in this portrait of recess time at school.
Imagine a group of smiling children gathered in the schoolyard with the sound of laughter filling the air. Initially, the sight of such a happy scene brings fond memories of games of hopscotch, basketball, and high water-low water.
However, upon a closer look, the source of the laughter becomes more evident. The warm fuzzies created by the sight of the beaming faces are washed away. They are replaced by a sadness brought on by the tears streaming down the face of the forlorn child trapped in the center of the cluster of children. That child is the victim of bullying.
In Welcome Comfort by Patricia Polacco, this heartbreaking scene is played out in a school in Union City, Michigan. However, the setting could by any where or any time.

Welcome Comfort (yes, his name really is Welcome Comfort) is the new kid in school. And, as often happens in situations like this, little time passes before Welcome is teased about his name, teased about his weight, and teased about his family.
This story could have easily taken any turn by the end of the book. Welcome could have turned bitter at being teased. He could have lashed out at others, turning from the bullied to a bullier. He could have withdrawn from society and never allowed his own light to shine. However, Polacco chose a brighter path for Welcome.

When Mr. Hamp, the humble school custodian, witnesses the bullying, he takes Welcome under his wing. Together with his librarian wife, Mr. Hamp shows Welcome that there are caring people in this world. Mr. Hamp becomes a mentor and a friend, forming a lifelong bond.
He takes him fishing.
He teaches him how to whittle.
He invites Welcome into his heart and into his home.

With Mr. Hamp’s help, Welcome finds happiness and success. He pays this act forward by the story’s end, allowing his own bright light to shine upon others.
Through heartwarming illustrations and lyrical prose, Polacco succeeds in teaching an important lesson to both children and adults—it only takes one person to make a difference.

Intended as a read-aloud, this story of love and hope is perfect to experience while snuggling under a fluffy blanket and sipping a cup of hot cocoa. By the story’s end, everyone that reads Welcome Comfort will most assuredly be inspired to become a ONE.
Page count: 32
Average words per 2-page spread: 127
Suggested grade range: K-4
Welcome Comfort by Patricia Polacco is available on Amazon.

Special Note: Thank you to A. in Florida for contributing your photograph to this blog post. You are definitely a ONE! :-)

Monday, October 21, 2013


All month my posts have begun with a silly joke told by ducks that are dressed up in Halloween-themed outfits. Hopefully, some of you have wondered, “Okay, what’s up with the rubber ducks?”
As a teacher that spent many years with children in kindergarten through fifth grade, I have learned that the ability to understand humor is definitely a developmental milestone. When a child begins to understand many words or phrases can have multiple meanings they tap into their higher level thinking abilities. Altering the beginning sound of a word can totally change the meaning of a phrase or sentence. Just as with the milestone of learning to ride a bike, children begin to grasp the concept of humor at different ages. And, just as a child can be encouraged and guided towards the first solo ride where balance is achieved, teaching a child to understand humor is also possible. For example: Explain that a pumpkin patch is where pumpkins grow. But, a patch can also be used to fix something that is broken, possibly even a pumpkin. If you change the beginning sound of a word from crackers to quackers, endless possibilities for silly humor become available.
The important thing to remember, however, is to remember to keep the silly jokes fun. Guidance should be only a small part of the experience—telling silly jokes is all about having fun. If you keep this suggestion in mind, it won’t be long before your dinner table conversations are filled with knock-knock jokes and humorous plays on words.
Have you heard this one?...
This joke is a shout out to my sailor husband! :-)

Monday, October 14, 2013


The month of October is nearly halfway behind us.
The leaves are beginning to fall.
The yards in our neighborhood are decorated with everything that’s orange, black, and white.
In a word—they are BOO-tiful.
These signs all point to the fact that Halloween is almost upon us.
Today’s offerings tap into the October preparations with no introduction necessary.
So—print out the images and have some Halloween fun with the kids.


Homeschool Creations dot Net

The Educators Spin on It dot Com

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Oh No! Bugs have crawled into the candy pumpkin pail.
Whatever shall we do?
Are you brave enough to find the bugs in the pumpkin pail?
If you have little ones between the ages of 3 and 6, this activity is perfect to practice tactile discrimination and have fun while doing so. Very little preparation is needed and the supplies are quite inexpensive—which makes for a quick rainy October day indoor activity.
Creepy Bug and Halloween Duck Match
Activity Description: Children will describe bugs or ducks by their physical attributes. They will close their eyes to feel the differences in each item. They will then find the match to the bug or duck that has been placed into the jack-o-lantern.
Age Range: 3-6
Time to complete: 20-30 minutes
Plastic pumpkin (jack-o-lantern)
Set of ducks or plastic bugs
Glue gun and glue sticks
Rubber shelf liner, silicone mat, or thick cardstock

1. Prior to conducting the activity, create the covered pumpkin.
A. Trace the top of the pumpkin onto white paper. Cut out the traced circle to use as a template.
B. Use the white circle template to cut a circle out of the rubber shelf liner, making the circle about 1/16” larger to assure coverage.
C. Fold the circle in half and cut 2 lines that are large enough to fit the children’s hands, bugs, and ducks through the hole.

D. Glue the rubber circle to the top of the pumpkin with the glue gun.
2. Place the bugs in front of the children.
3.Discuss how the bugs look different (other than color).
4. Ask the children to close their eyes and describe the bugs.
*5. Optional Modification: For younger children, conduct a practice sort:
A. Place 2 sets of bugs in front of them, ask them to close their eyes and by touch alone, find the bugs that are the same shape.
B. Repeat until all sets of bugs are included.
6. Place one set of the bugs into the pumpkin. Place the other set in front of the pumpkin.

7. Take turns selecting a bug, reaching into the pumpkin, and identifying the match to the bug.

8. Repeat with the Halloween Ducks.

This post has been shared on the following blogs. Please check them out:

Enchanted Homeschooling Mom dot Org

Sun Scholars dot Com

Monday, October 7, 2013


Whether you teach in a public school, a private school, or homeschool, one of the challenges you face is finding the right balance to your educational endeavors. If you drill, drill, and drill some more, your children may tune out and are less likely to retain the valuable information and skills that you address. However, if the day is filled with nothing but fun and games, your children may miss out on practicing skills and internalizing much-needed information. How, then, do you strike that perfect balance?
One way is to involve your students as much as possible in the learning process. As you teach, keep communication lines open. Ask questions and answer their questions. Discuss how the skills they are practicing and the knowledge they are acquiring will transfer to other areas.
If we as educators begin this technique with children at a young age and provide meaningful lessons and activities, then our efforts will help raise children that are thinkers, doers, and problem solvers.

In an effort to help find balance, today’s activity will encourage your children to learn concepts and transfer those concepts to real-life situations. In a nutshell (or cornhusk), the activity will encourage your children to think, solve problems, and have fun while doing it.
This activity consists of 2 components—creating a balance from household items and using that balance to teach and practice the concept of more and less as well as making predictions.

Grade Range: K – 2
Time to complete: 30-45 minutes
VA STANDARDS of LEARNING: Math K.2; K.8; 1.9

ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: Students will place objects on a balance in order to compare the mass of those objects. They will count the pieces needed to move the balance pivot point to the middle. They will then make predictions on doubling or tripling those items and use the objects to determine if their predictions were correct. Students will then create number sentences to represent their findings.
PLEASE NOTE: The balance created and the balance purchased from an internet source are not devices that present truly accurate readings. They are suitable for demonstrating the concept of more, less, or the same.


Plastic hanger with hook loops
2 clear plastic containers or cups
2 paper clips
Hole puncher
Fiber board base: 2 x 2 piece of wood, hat hanger dowel, nails (OR hang the balance on a

Set of October-themed objects (rubber ducks used for demonstration)
Candy corn and pumpkins
Small can of corn Pencil
Worksheets (provided)
Balance: Either hanger balance or balance from a retail source

Hint: The creation of the hanger balance can either be conducted as a class project or prior to completing the counting and balancing activity. Due to the small parts of the balance, it is recommended to create the balance prior to the activity for children under the age of 6.

For best results, this balance can be used to compare objects that are less than 1 lb. in weight.
1. Using the hole punch, make 3 holes near the top of each plastic container, placing the holes equal distances apart, as shown.

2. Cut 6 lengths of ribbon that are 15 inches long, as shown.
 3. Thread the ribbon through the holes in one of the containers, as shown.

4. Align all 6 ends of the ribbon and tie them into a single knot. This knot will be used to hang the container on the paper clips at each end of the balance.
5. Repeat for the second container.
6. Open both paper clips so that one end is still bent. Bend the straight end over each end of the hanger. 
 *7 Door Knob Pivot Point: If you use a doorknob as the pivot point, your balance is finished. When in use, place the knots of the ribbons onto the paper clips AFTER adding the items to be balanced.

*7. Base Pivot Point:
A. To create the base nail or screw the 12” by 12” fiber board to the end of the 2’ x 2”.
B. Screw the hat hook onto the top of the 2 x 2” leaving approximately 1” as a buffer.


This activity is contains suggested uses for the classroom balance. Modify the instructions to meet the needs of your children.
1. Prior to conducting the activity, demonstrate what a balance does and how it works. As this activity involves using candy corn, one suggestion is to divide the class into 2 groups and assign a side of the balance to each group. Then pour a small bag of candy corn into the balance reservoir.
Ask: Do you think this is a fair way to divide the candy corn? How could we do this better without actually counting out ALL of the candy corn?
Then move some of the candy corn into the empty reservoir until the balance pivot point is in the middle.
2. Tell the students that they will use candy corn as a unit of measure to discover how many pieces of candy corn have the same mass (stuff)* as those objects.
A. Place a small can of corn into the balance reservoir.
B. Have the students predict how much candy corn it would take to equal the same mass (stuff) as the can of corn. Count the pieces and place them in front of the balance. Record their prediction.

C. Slowly add the candy corn to the empty reservoir.

D. If their prediction was too low, add more candy corn one-at-a-time until the reservoirs are the same level. If their prediction was too high, remove the candy corn one-at-a-time until the reservoirs are balanced. Record the final count.
3. Repeat the process using candy pumpkins and candy corn, rubber ducks and candy corn, etc.

 4. Extend the learning: This activity is great for addressing multiplication, counting on, ratios, etc.

TRANSFER THOSE SKILLS WITH BALANCE ON THE PLAYGROUND: If you are lucky enough to have access to a see saw, then apply the skills approached in the activity to balancing students. This is a great opportunity to springboard into a discussion of simple machines.


*This giveaway will include the balance shown above for parents and teachers of children over the age of 4. The registration will last from the posting of this blog post until midnight, October 20, 2013. One winner will be randomly selected from the entries. The balance will be shipped from Amazon within approximately 2 weeks following the close of the giveaway. The giveaway is open to residents of the United States with a United State’s mailing address. The winner’s name will be posted on the blog, unless the winner chooses not to have his/her name posted.
**To be considered for entry into this giveaway, the entrant’s email address must be submitted to the blog administrator.


Kids Activities Blog dot Com

The Mom Maven dot Com

The HomeSchool Village dot Com

No Time for Flash Cards dot Com



Congratulations to Berdine from FL, the winner of the balance and educational treat. I hope your little ones have fun with them.

Thank you to all that entered this giveaway. Please check back in early November for a very special giveaway.